Fri. Apr 26th, 2024
0:00 On Today’s Apple Daily:
0:44 Beats Flex Budget Buds
2:25 To leak or not to leak
5:26 Updating our November Apple Silicon Event Predictions
10:00 Notification Squad Pro Max

Beats Flex – $49 replacement for $150 Beats X
A Couple of takeaways from this, As Lew of Unbox Therapy says, are Beats going to be the budget brand to AirPods’ Premium label?
Doubtful Apple would be killing the brand if they’re also introducing new product lines.

Leaks – Love them or hate them?

November Event Predictions
AirTags – SURELY!
iPads Pro with A14X and 5G but no new displays.
Apple Silicon – MacBook (a14 equivalent?)
iMac 24” A14X equivalent
Mac mini A14 & A14X options – Could Apple make a $499 Apple Silicon Mac Mini?
Apple Fitness + & Apple One
AirPods Studio in March

Mac Mini was always the entry point for PC users to move over to Mac, bringing their keyboard, mouse and display with them. A low cost Mac Mini would be an amazing way to introduce Apple Silicon to the world and take some market share.

Notification Squad – Pro Max

Melody Chu
Konglong Gaming
Exploring Media
Random Creations
Clyde Ijaika